Shrouded in Neglect

Shrouded In NeglectNate Kepner of Shrouded in Neglect made is first trip to the Pennsylvania Rock Show tonight, and yes ladies and gentleman, that means this is a metal show!

  • We talked about where the band name came from (this was a new one for me) and how the band formed.
  • We talked about a few other metal bands from the scene both early on and later in the show.
  • We moved on to Nate’s influences which include but are not limited to Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake. (Okay maybe he mentions some metal bands and 90’s alternative bands, too).
  • We then talked a little bit about the local band skell and Rock for Life this past weekend.
  • Nate then tells us about his favorite local bands and we talked about our mutal friend at First Angel Media.
  • He tells us about their song Here Goes the Lights off of their sophmore release Kill All Humans, which we played during the break along with Everything’s Fine by skell.

Segment 2:

  • At the beginning of the second segment, Nate talks about searching the Pittsburgh bands to get some great new music.
  • We fan girled it a little and talked about the Penguins and Steelers.
  • Once we got back on track, we talked about Nate’s favorite venues to play at and some of the big name bands (and influencers, is that a word?) that he has played with at the Altar Bar. We also talked about embarrassing situations that have happened to him on Altar Bar’s stage.
  • Which Shrouded In Neglect song would Nate want to represent his band if only one of their songs could survive the apocalypse? Here’s a hint, it comes off of their EP, The Haunting.
  • We find out a little bit about 10 year old Nate and the violin… and a bit more about why he became a musician.
  • What band would he want to open for and at what venue?
  • What does he love about the PGH scene and what does he hate?
  • What would we hear if we listened to Shrouded In Neglect backwards?


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