Month: September 2020

Black Ridge PARS534

Paul Cha and Mike Conrad of Black Ridge join Bill on episode 534 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show to talk about the band, rock for life, and more. Segment 1 with Black Ridge How has the pandemic affect your band? We chat a bit about Rock for Life, Matt Ferrante, and other scene history. Do…

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Seethe PARS533

Patrick McElravy of seethe, 9 Stitch Method, Brutal Business Entertainment, and more joins Bill for Episode 533 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show. Segment 1 with Seethe Is the new album, Abstract Thoughts, an EP or an LP? How did your involvement in Brutal Business Entertainment happen? Can you give us a little incite on what…

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Modern Fossils PARS532

On episode 532 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show, Modern Fossils make their debut to talk about the band and their album “Incredible Edibles”. Segment 1 with Modern Fossils Where did your band name, Modern Fossils, come from? If there was a catastrophic event that erased almost all the humans off the earth, which Modern Fossils…

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UltraViolent PARS531

UltraViolent is a four-piece metal band based out of Pine Grove, Pennsylvania. Joins Bill for Episode 531 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show. Segment 1 with UltraViolent Where did the band name, UltraViolent, come from? You started your band in your teens, 6 years ago, what is the story behind that? If there was a catastrophic…

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