Right Turn Clyde PARS597

Right Turn ClydeRight Turn Clyde‘s Clyde, Tina, Jesse, and Tom join Bill for episode #597. Featuring music from Rat Rod, Half Wheel, Frank Vieira
  • Tell us about your show this weekend.
  • Where did the band name come from?
  • How did the current lineup come together?
  • What would you sell your soul to the devil for?
  • What is your favorite venue, based on the food that you’ve eaten there?
  • Clyde tells us a story about Mo Nelson.
  • Who is your Dave Grohl?
  • Where is an off-the-wall place that you would like to play?
  • You find a DeLorean with a flux capacitor, what band would you go back in time to hang out with?
  • Tell me about a time where a bandmate embarrassed you on stage.
  • What are you listening to on your way to a show?
  • Who is the most famous musician that you’ve spoken to?