Rock for Life 17 Day 1 Interviews
I caught up with Vegas (Ride for Life), David Hipchen (Tilted Shadows), Jen Heymers (A Common Crown), the Jagemans, Greg Shotts (Tilted Shadows & Post traumatik), Sean Nestor (Homicide Black), Jason “Mailman” Slee, Matthew Wilmot (Farewell Felicia & Suffacate), & Cate Fouse (Farewell Felicia & Suffacate) on site of Rock for Life 17 Friday August 5th. Hear their on the spot interviews about Rock for Life and what it is all about.
Day 2 Interviews
On Rock for Life 17 Day 2 I spoke with Paul Guerrini (Who Called the Cops & Bled Zeppelin), Bill Postle (Doppler Affect), Garry Simmons (Amber-Alexis & KGB), Mark (DBL Blind) and Amanda Hensel, Mike Piroch (Creep, Staley’s Comet, & Mona Lisa Smile), & Mike Ekis (skell & ZuZu Petals) about the Rock for Life experience and why they are involved in it.
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