
Illusions of Grandeur PARS500

Maggie and CM of Illusions of Grandeur came on the show to discuss their band and adventures with Bill for Episode 500 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show. Segment 1 with Maggie and CM Was there any particular venue that you loved in Europe? Tree planting? Where did the band name come from? If you were…

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Feast on the Fallen

For episode 460 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show, Bill talked to the guys from Feast on the Cookies Feast on the Fallen out of Pittsburgh. Segment 1 Where did your band name come from? Tell us an interesting or embarrassing story about something that happened either on stage, on your way to the stage, or…

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Pantera, Alice in Chains, & Skynyrd…oh MY

On this episode of the Pennsylvania Rock Show, Jake Parks from Terachain Sky joins us for the first time. We discussed their band name PanTERA-alice in CHAINs-lynyrd SKYnyrd. I spent some time letting him know just how awesome they are live. They played the Pennsylvania Rock Show 12 last month. That was the first time…

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A Stark Reality

Leeja Stark Band What do Panic at the Disco & Queen have in common? Leeja Stark. Leeja joins us this month for her first visit on the show. We discuss the local scene including bands like Amber Alexis, skell, The Bloody Seamen, & Dethelehem. She talks about the Women of Metal show that the band…

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