jim morrison

Sahayra PARS594

Mike and Stacey of Sahayra join Bill for episode 594 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show. Featuring music from: Crooked Ways, Doug Carnahan, Sahayra, Low Life Drifters, Bradley Scott Malone Interview Segment 1 with Saharya Where did the name Sahayra come from? Which venue would you say has your favorite food? Can you pinpoint the moment…

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Neostem PARS565

Neostem joins Bill to introduce their new album, Germination, and discuss other things music scene related including Bill not being about to get his podcasts onto Pandora (haha). Featuring music from: Rod Wilkins and the LOC Band, KARKIZZ, Neostem, Quiet Hours, Big Atlantic Segment 1 with Neostem If you were standing a crossroads waiting for…

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