Feast on the Fallen

Brad Abbott PARS576

Brad Abbott joins Bill for his third go-round with an interview on Build the Scene. You’d think there wouldn’t be anything to talk about, and you are wrong, very wrong. Featuring music from A Common Crown, Anxiety at Best, Brad Abbott, Brian Genovesi, Winter’s Descent, Homicide Black, Curtis and the Shakerz Interview Segment 1 with…

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Jana Lee Macheca & John Lane PARS567

Jana Lee Macheca of First Angel Media and John Lane of The Hellfire Club join Bill on episode #567 to have an open chat about many things. Featuring Music from: Chip & the Charge Ups, The Hellfire Club, Seethe, & Demo Demon (Featuring 9 Stitch Method) John, the outdoor concert season is about upon us,…

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The Drunk Rock Show PARS512

Neil Donnelly of The Drunk Rock Show and Drunk Rock Reacts came to chat with Bill to talk about the scene, candy, and answer some questions. Neil provides Podcasts and YouTube content focused on music, film/television, and pop-culture. Neil, why don’t you give the listeners an idea of what The Drunk Rock Show is about?…

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Obselence – 9sm PARS506

Patrick McElravy of 9 Stitch Method joined Bill for the Pennsylvania Rock Show for Episode 506! They talked about the upcoming single drop, Obselence (TODAY). Segment 1 with 9 Stitch Method and Obselence What can you tell me about the recording of the upcoming EPs? I’m sure it is different than most recording processes because…

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Feast on the Fallen

For episode 460 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show, Bill talked to the guys from Feast on the Cookies Feast on the Fallen out of Pittsburgh. Segment 1 Where did your band name come from? Tell us an interesting or embarrassing story about something that happened either on stage, on your way to the stage, or…

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9 Stitch Method

Episode 444 sees the debut of Pittsburgh progressive alternative metal band, 9 Stitch Method. Segment 1: Where did the name 9 Stitch Method come from? Find out about their discography, which can be found on bandcamp, and their current recording project. Find out how they write/record songs. Which 9SM song would survive the apocalypse? Who…

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