NeXev PARS614

Cody Howard (Demo Demon) joins Bill on episode 614 to discuss his gaming/nerd life group,  NeXev and their upcoming charity stream via, extra life.

Extra Life’s is a mission to play games to help change kids’ health. They support our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. With 170 hospitals to choose from, each location treats thousands of kids annually, regardless of their illness, injury or family’s ability to pay. MAKE A DONATION

Interview Segment 1 with neXev

  • What is NeXev?
  • Give us a little insight to what extra life is and what they do and your live event.
  • What games will you be playing this weekend?
  • When you’re playing something like Castlevania IV, are you playing on the original system?
  • What is the oddest game that you’ve ever played?
  • What is your favorite game that you’ve played that people probably haven’t heard of?
  •  Bill is still annoyed with the NHL series games because of San Jose!
  • Bezerker? Pitfall? ET! Overwatch
  • Winston on Overwatch is a true Prime 8 tank, according to Sean.
  • We talk about Bill’s next door neighbor, Millertime Gaming.
  • If someone wanted to get into streaming gaming online, what are the steps? What do they need for the very basics?

Interview Segment 2 with Demo

  • Tell us the story of the Yeti being hit by mach 3 Gushers.
  • What is the best pizza that you’ve had because you’re a musician?
  • Who is your Dave Grohl?