Mr. Lisp PARS491

Mr. Lisp, a Punk Rock band from Philadelphia, joins Bill on Episode 491 to discuss the band, their music, and the Philadelphia Music Scene.

Segment 1 with Mr. Lisp

  • Where did the name Mr. Lisp come from?
  • If I were to go on tour with you, what music would we listen to between stops?
  • Let’s talk about the movie Rock Star, you’ve been tapped to replace the lead singer of a successful band after have been in a tribute band, which band would I see you front?
  • Sticking with the movie theme, 10 years from now, they decide to make a movie about Mr. Lisp and their rise to stardom. Who would play you in the biopic?
  • Last movie related question, like the movie Almost Famous, a writer has been assigned to accompany you on tour. What would be written about Mr. Lisp after the tour ended?
  • If one of the bands from the scene here in the Pittsburgh scene wants to come to the Philadelphia scene to play a show, which venues should they check out and why?
  • What is the one best thing about the scene in Philadelphia and the one worst thing that you wished you could change?
  • You can pick 1 album that you’ve already heard to erase the memories of having heard it, and go back to listen to it like it’s the first time again. What would it be?
  • Tell me about your song, Birch Boys.

Segment 2 with Mr. Lisp

  • If you were going to create a supergroup from your scene to manage, who would be in it and why?
  • Tell me about an embarrassing moment you had on stage, or one that your band mates may have had.
  • Who would you say has supported you the most as a musician?
  • Can you tell me about the moment that you decided you were going to play music?
  • What is something that your fans would be shocked to find out about you?
  • Where can my listeners get a copy of your music, and find you online?
  • If there was an apocalyptic event and all of your music except for one song was destroyed, which song would you want to survive and help “recreate” the human race?
  • Do you have any upcoming shows that you’d like to promote?