King Catfish PARS608

King CatfishJordan, of King Catfish, joins Bill to talk about their newly released video for Right Now.

Featuring music from: Mergedown, Five of Cups, Crash Army, Neostem, King Catfish, Doug Carnahan, Lou Lombardi, Chux Beta

Segment 1 with King Catfish

  • Where did the name King Catfish come from?
  • What would the sound track between tour stops be?
  • What would you sell your soul to the devil for?
  • When did you decide you wanted to be a musician?
  • Who is your Dave Grohl?
  • What is something that has happened on stage that embarrased you that someone else in the band did?
  • Delorean.. where are you going and who are you going to see?
  • What King Catfish song would survive to help re-populate the Earth?
  • What is a non-normal venue that you would like to play at?
  • Who would you draft into a local scene band to manage?
  • What is the best pizza you’ve had either before, at, or after a show?
  • What is an instrument that you wanted to play that you haven’t gotten around to playing?
  • What is a song that you did not write, that you wish you would have writen?

Segment 2 with Jordan

  • If you could play at any venue with any other band, who and where?
  • How have you not played a show with Crash Army and Neostem togther?
  • What shows do you have coming up? Where can you be found online?