FUBAR pars458

Jake, Matt, Dave, & Jordan, of  the Irwin Band Fubar, are telling their story with Bill on episode 459 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show. Formed in 2011, FUBAR is an original rock band with hard rock, reggae rock and punk rock influences. Featuring songs about life, liberty and the pursuit of partying with 2 part vocals, unique lead riffs, and a powerful rhythm section; they’ll be sure to get one of their songs stuck in your head…

Interview Segment 1 with FUBAR

  • I always open up with the question, how did you get your band name, but I feel like there’s probably a good story to share with this one. Can you tell us where the name came from?
  • With the release of Motley Crue’s The Dirt recently, I have to ask you, who would play each of you in a movie about FUBAR?
  • If I went on a road trip with FUBAR, what songs and bands would be included the soundtrack for our trip?
  • What one band would you go back in time and observe and why?
  • Tell us the story behind the track, Everybody.

Interview Segment 2 with FUBAR

  • Tell me about a time that one of the other band members embarrassed you on stage.
  • What is one thing you love about the music scene and one thing that you would change?
  • Where can my listeners get a copy of The Hunt for Inspiration?
  • Do you have any upcoming shows?

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